Heat Buildings

Passive Designs

Passive design takes advantage of existing resources and design to cool, heat, and even provide air flow. The video below discusses how these principles have been used since at least the Greek period for heating and cooling, though much older monuments have also been arranged with respect to the sun. Click here to see the Elmhurst Art Museum's Solar Solutions link mentioned in the video.

Building Design

Fabric Curtains & Blinds

These will keep a building warmer than one with just slat blinds, though blinds will keep more heat in than no window covers. To maximize the heat containing abilities of curtains, you will want multiple layers. A decorative fabric, a thick lining, and regular backing will work, but blackout lining will also reduce the amount of light pollution getting in or out of the building at night. If you live in a warm region, a light or medium fabric should be fine for your curtains, but if you have serious freezes, it would be more efficient to invest in heavier, thicker fabrics including types such as velvet.

If you are strapped for cash, and don't know which room to start with (we made about 1-3 curtains per year which made the place increasingly cozy and cheaper as each set was installed), I'd suggest picking rooms that you spend the most time in, the most upsettingly cold rooms, and/or the rooms with the biggest windows.

Big windows allow the most heat to escape, but if you can close a door and shut yourself into warmer areas those rooms can probably be ignored. It could be worth working out who's room is the coldest and needs curtains more, or if considering communal space, a small curtain bathroom curtain might make morning's less unpleasant, or covering the big living room window might make the most sense if all other rooms lead off from it, and people wouldn't mind gathering there to stay warm. Each year your heating bill should go down, meaning more spending money for another strategic curtain (set).

This 34:11 minute video shows how you can include blackout lining in a simple roman shade. This professional walks you through various steps including sewing on rings, stringing the blind mechanism, attaching the wooden bar that attaches over your window, as well as tricks such as cheaply extending your ironing board.

This 15:03 minute video shows the basics of making lined curtains with a fabric that repeats (if your fabric doesn't have a repeating pattern, then you don't have to buy as much to make everything match). To increase the insulation properties, you would want to add a third layer inside, for example a plain interlining,  flannel, quilted fabric, and/or thermal lining.

Landscaping & Strategic Planting

Click here to learn how to use both of these principles to plan a garden which will make the most of your daily winter sun. This resource includes some diagrams, and talks about how to create an effective design with proper spacing and placement.

Heater Options

High Efficiency Heat Pumps

These use a small amount of energy in conjunction with a ground source, water source, or air source component to reduce energy needs in a single device that can both heat and cool a home or other building.

Life Expectancy: A ductless mini-split can last about 20 years or longer, vs traditional systems that last 12-15 years.

Pro: This single device will both heat and cool your building. Uses between 50-75% less energy than standard heating & cooling appliances. 

Con: May have to stop periodically to thaw which means it spits out cold air at users during those times.

Solution: The mini split uses energy to de-thaw itself, which unfortunately means spraying some cold air inside the building temporarily, until it can go back to heating. Commenters have suggested building a small roof over the unit to reduce the amount of snow and ice able to coat the intake vent.

Resources/Fuels: Smaller amount of electricity than traditional heaters. An outside source of warm or cold: ground, water, or air. A fluid is used to circulate the temperature.

How Efficient Are Our Minisplit Heat Pumps in the Winter? 

11:41 minute video talks about the pros and cons of heating with a mini split device during cold weather.

Click the High Efficiency Heat Pump button to learn more about these devices, and find out about certified installers in your area.


Solar energy can be harnessed a few ways including the passive solutions mentions above, solar panels, solar condensers which can be used to heat water and thermal oil, which in turn can be used for eating systems

Solar Panels

These work particularly well in cool weather, producing more energy in cool weather than hotter temperatures. They can even produce energy on cloudy days in countries like the UK.

Solar Water Heaters

Heating water uses the 2nd to 3rd greatest amount of a building's energy use. Some types of solar water heaters skip turning radiation into electricity, instead heating water right in the tank, while others use solar panels. Hot water in turn can help to keep inhabitants comfortably warm.

Life Expectancy: Solar pannels have life expectancy of 25-30 years. Mini splits last for 20 years or more.

Pro: This technology exists, though most examples we found were for heating pools. Solar energy allows people to use their heater even off grid or in the event of power grid failure. Solar energy is generally more efficient in cold weather than hot.

Con: This type of technology isn't as easy to find as mini-splits, but Jntech Renewable Energy Co. does offer a solar panel and mini-split combination to efficiently heat or cool a space with solar energy. 

Solution: Companies need to scale up production and installations of solar-powered heaters. Schools and governments should scale up education opportunities for people in threatened industries such as fossil fuels, fishermen, and gas furnace installers.

Resources/Fuel: Solar energy. If using a mini-split device then a ground, water, or air source will also be needed.

Explore the following resources to see if there are any programs or providers in your area.

Heat Pumps

Solar Power

Electric Heaters

These can run on any electricity, including renewable energy.


"A kotatsu (Japanese: 炬燵 or こたつ) is a low, wooden table frame covered by a futon, or heavy blanket, upon which a table top sits. Underneath is a heat source, formerly a charcoal brazier but now electric, often built into the table itself.[1] Kotatsu are used almost exclusively in Japan, although similar devices for the same purpose of heating are used elsewhere, e.g. the Spanish brasero or Iranian korsi." - Wikipedia: Kotatsu 

Other Tricks



Unless you need to wash your clothes on the hot cycle for sanitary reasons, it's generally best to save energy, and protect your clothes by washing them in cold water.


Bed Time


Moving our bodies creates excess heat, so simple things from jumping up and down to rubbing your hands might be enough. Make sure to wear water proof clothing or avoid rainy weather, as getting wet will generally make you cold a lot faster than mere wind chill on its own.

Ceiling Fans, Radiators, & Heaters

Tools & Calculators

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Grants & Funding


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