Soil Pollution


This page covers some but not all forms of soil pollution.

Heavy Metals



The 'Gift of God' That Has Poisoned American Kids for 100 Years A 6:22 minute video about how lead got into the environment, and who is still paying the price today.

Lead Poisoning in Adults

"Lead exposure can cause high blood pressure and brain, kidney and reproductive health issues in adults. Symptoms of lead poisoning include headaches, stomach cramps, constipation, muscle/joint pain, trouble sleeping, fatigue, irritability, and loss of sex drive. Most adults with lead poisoning don't look or feel sick.

The most commonly identified source of lead poisoning in non-pregnant adults is occupational exposure to lead in the construction industry. Workers in other industries, as well as hobbyists, may be at risk if they work with metal, paint, pigments, or glazes that contain lead. 

Hobbies with lead poisoning risks include jewelry making, working with stained glass, antique restoration, and furniture refinishing. Adults can also be exposed to lead through the use of lead-contaminated products, such as certain imported health remedies, spices, foods, pottery and cosmetics." - NYC Health: Adults and Lead Poisoning

Lead Poisoning in Children and Pregnant People

"Lead is a poison that can harm children and cause health problems during pregnancy. Younger children are more at risk for lead exposure.

Lead exposure in children can cause:

Lead exposure during pregnancy can cause:

In New York City, the most commonly identified source of lead exposure for children is peeling lead paint and its dust. The City banned the use of lead paint in homes in 1960, but many older buildings still have lead paint on their walls, windows, doors, and other surfaces. Lead dust from peeling, cracked or loose paint or unsafe home repairs can land on windowsills, floors, surfaces and toys and other objects people touch. When young children play on the floor and put their hands and toys in their mouths, they can swallow lead dust.

Lead can also be found in some traditional spices, ceramics, medicines, cosmetics, toys and jewelry from other countries. It can also be in soil and plumbing.

Pregnant women exposed to lead when they were younger may still have lead in their body and could pass it on to the unborn baby." - NYC Health: Lead Poisoning: Children and Pregnant Women

Solutions to Heavy Metal Contamination

Synthetic Chemicals


Synthetic Fibers

Tire Treads Worn on Roads


PFAS and similar "forever chemicals" do not easily break down, and are becoming increasingly concentrated in our soil, air, water, even contaminating our rain. Certain plants can help absorb PFAS, including help, and a variety of wetland species.

PFAS can be passed to humans via livestock meat, eggs, and dairy. It is also present in many modern packaging materials, helping it transfer to our food. As a result PFAS is building up in our blood streams, even breast milk. Pregnant people and those who are lactating should be careful about consuming foods such 

Petroleum Spills


North America


The goal of A2 is to help communities fight back. We do that by providing them organizing support, scientific and technical guidance, and better access to foundation and government funding. Most of all, our work consists of listening to our frontline leaders. Their experience, research, and solidarity guide everything we do, and offer a path toward environmental and social justice.

Supported by outstanding partner organizations with expertise in engineering, hydrology, public health, planning, and the law, A2 leaders have successfully halted developments in climate-vulnerable areas; implemented nature-based hazard mitigation strategies; organized home buyouts; and pushed for clean-ups at superfund sites, toxic landfills, and petrochemical plants.

We support everyone we can, but our special priority is people who have suffered the worst environmental impacts for the longest time; that usually means low-income, Black, Latinx, Native American and other underserved communities.

To learn about our policies, read our A 10-Point Platform on Climate Change."