Air Travel


"Climate pollution from aircraft is often overlooked, but if aviation were a country, it would be among the top 10 greenhouse gas emitters." - Environmental Defense Fund

"Around 2.4% of global CO2 emissions come from aviation. Together with other gases and the water vapor trails produced by aircraft, the industry is responsible for around 5% of global warming.

At first glance, that might not seem like very big contribution. Except, only a very small percentage of the world flies frequently. Even in richer countries like the UK and the US, around half of people fly in any given year, and just 12-15% are frequent fliers."

The Subsidies Problem

"The result of subsidies is artificially cheap ticket prices, which serves to drive up demand and reduce incentives for more sustainable aviation. Removing these subsidies is key to creating a more sustainable aviation sector. 

Some of the subsidies include aid given to airports by local, regional or national authorities. Oftentimes this aid is in breach of EU guidelines concerning state aid. Aid is also granted to aircraft manufacturers, including at EU and national level. This aid is provided despite the absence of meaningful CO2 efficiency standards, resulting in a missed opportunity to mandate greater CO2 savings from new aircraft." - Transport & Environment

Click the Financial button to learn more about subsidies and other financial topics affecting our environment.

Air Travel vs People with Disabilities

Flying Has Become Hell for Passengers with Wheelchairs

This 12 minute video talks about the unfairness and harm people in wheelchairs and people with life-saving equipment face every day on airlines.

People are separated from their wheelchairs, subjected to humiliating treatment, and often find upon landing that their custom-built medical equipment has been destroyed in transit. 

The US Department of Transportation says that in October, 2022, airlines were damaging an average of 35 wheelchairs and mobility scooters every day.

The air industry is the only travel industry that expects disabled people to be separated from their chairs and equipment, as they have been exempt from ADA rules that apply to trains, buses, and other modes of transportation.

Noise Pollution

Noise from planes and helicopters is a growing problem as air travel increases. The communities near air ports and helipads tend to suffer the most.

For those who live near airports, it is common to lie awake some nights listening to planes flying loud and low, wondering if one is about to crash down.


The following are various solutions to avoid flying and to reduce the harm caused by the aviation industry.

Fly Less or Avoid All Together

This is easy for most people since it's estimated that "only 5 percent of the world’s population has ever been on an airplane, and even fewer of the world’s population flies on planes regularly."

Work Locally - Explore Eco-Friendly Jobs in Your Region

Use our Job Finder page to explore eco-friendly amployment opportunities. By finding somewhere close to home, you can avoid excessive travel.

Vacation Locally - Explore Your Region

This can be an enlightening way to gain a new sense of appreciation for your local culture, history, herritage, and wildlife. National parks help protect wildlife while educating the public. As environmental tourism picks up, there are more opportunities than ever to help your local region, while reducing your lifelong impact.

Alternatives to Standard Air Travel

The alternatives listed here are organized alphabetically, first by mode: Air, Ground, and Water travel, then by vehicle type. Not all suggestions are better than standard plane travel, but are included to provide basic information and reference. 

In the future we hope to reorganize the options listing the most efficient first, and less efficient travel last.


Air Ships

There are several types of air ship which are safer and more environmentally friendly than historical examples. Some companies are working on bringing back lighter than air travel, offering luxury travel for eco-conscious people. Currently there are 3 Good Year air bases in the USA: California, Florida, and Ohio but According to Good Year Blimp's Passenger Guide "Rides aboard the Goodyear Blimp are by invitation only." and "All airship passengers must be fully ambulatory and without physical impairment(s) that could prevent them from moving quickly at the direction of the pilot or ground crew."

Electric Planes

Fuel Cell Planes


"Each helicopter produces 950 pounds of carbon dioxide per hour. The average car produces 22 pounds per hour. Eight choppers idling on the heliport is like 340 cars idling. Fossil-fuel guzzling nonessential helicopters, such as those used for tourist joyrides, are the antithesis of environmentally-friendly modes of transport. With the extreme negative effects of climate change looming for coastal cities such as NYC (eg., rising sea levels and ensuing floods; deadly heat waves), we must end the use of such carbon-intensive, unnecessary aircraft incessantly flying in our airspace for no good reasons." - Stop The Chop

Ground (some Under Water)


Trains are one of the most efficient and widely available forms of transportation. With one of the lowest carbon footprints, plus the push for many older systems switching to renewable energy, this transport option is becoming increasingly suitable for countries to help meet their carbon reduction goals.

Click the Rail button to learn about different types of rail travel including highspeed, funiculars, trams, and more.

Speed: 15-80mph (24-130km/h) for class 1-4 trains. The fastest train in the world can reach 500km/h.




Resources: Older models used coal and water to produce steam. Most steam engines are out of use, but a few have been preserved and still for tourists or remote locations. Diesel has been used for heavy shipping, but modern trains are generall switching to elextric. Some train stations have been upgrading with solar panels on the station roof or nearby, providing an extra charge to some electric trains.

Click the Railways Sytems button to learn more about existing railways around the world, and how to ride them. We've gathered the official websites, route and station maps, how to buy tickets, and more. For some countries we couldn't find official websites, but we found traveler guides to help you find the ticket booth and which bus can get you to or from your station.

Click the Rail button to learn more about rail travel options in general.

Buses & Coaches

Click our Buses button to learn more about buses including which places have free ride programs, what updates can have the biggest impacts  on communities as well as other useful info for planners and advocates.

Click the School Buses button to learn more about bus options for students.


Currently most boats and ships pose a variety of health risks to marine life and the planet. Since most shipping and transit required fossil fuels, ports have some of the worst air quality, with small towns visited by cruise ships having worse air quality than many cities.

In addition to the atmospheric pollution, there's very little oversite in how boats or ships handle waste, meaning that a huge amount of plastics (including bottled water), sewage, and other harmful waste is routinely thrown overboard. Bilge waste (the oily pollution found in the bottom of ships) can be seen from space, leaving visible trails crisscrossing the ocean surface.

Noise pollution and collisions are another big problem, especially for migratory species including whales who are deafened by the noise of motors, and can be hurt or killed by speeding vessels.

Sail and electric power can help mitigate both air and noise pollution, but slowing vessels and rerouting them away from critical marine areas can further help protect wildlife.

Click the Wind Power button to learn more about wind power, including sails.

Cruise Ships

Cruise ships cause a huge amount of pollution, both with their emissions and noise. Instead of dealing with their waste responsibly, major cruise companies have been repeatedly fined for dumping sewage and plastics overboard again and again.

 On top of this, the cruise ships have been linked to decline of marine ecosystems, by deafening whales and dolphins, as well as by spreading diseases to corals.


Ferries can spew out a good amount of emissions, but can also help reduce emissions when sparing people from driving around long bays or flying between islands. Fossil-powered ferries are also pretty loud which can harm organisms such as endangered glass reefs and dolphins. However electric ferries are much cleaner, quieter, and more comfortable for passengers.

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