Bird Baths


Something we all have in common is that we need water.  Our animal friends are no different.  Urban development, habitat loss, and climate change has made water harder to come by in many places so this page covers a few options for helping them out.  

Feature Like "Bird Baths" Help Insects Too!

Adding a rock to the middle will allow butterflies to safely drink

Bird Baths

Life Expectancy: Water generally lasts 2-4 days depending on weather condition and how many visitors the birdbath gets. A concrete birdbath can last for decades even through freezes, in some cases even after being knocked over and chipped. 

Pro: These can look very pretty. You can buy these at most garden supply shops, online, or you can get creative and build one yourself.

Con: These need routine maintenance and or they will grow algae and potentially harbor molds, and other problematic organisms or even viruses. If kept in a sunny location (away from trees) then evaporation rates will be higher. Evaporation in general will be higher than with other options, as these are often shallow, with the exception of water fountains. As these are above ground they can be susceptible to damage during heavy freezes. These may pose a hazard to children and small animals, who may accidentally knock the bath on top of themselves. 

Solution: Finding a stable design or setting the bath down low (instead of on the pillar) can reduce the risk of injury. You can make bird baths more insect-friendly by putting a rock or several rocks into the water. A vinegar/water solution and a rough brush can easily clean out algae, etc. but you should then spray the bath with a hose to rinse, and then refill with fresh water.

Materials: These are commonly made of concrete, but metal stands with glass, or even porcelain bird baths are also available.

Fuel Types: N/A - Just needs vinegar and a brush for cleaning, plus water for cleaning, rinsing, and refilling.

Bird Bath Safety

The biggest concerns for a bird bath are:

Click the link below to learn how to keep your birdbath fresh. It just takes a few minutes about twice week to keep your neighborhood birds healthy!


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