Road Noise Pollution


Cars, trucks, motor bikes and other fossil-powered vehicles produce a lot of noise, much more than their cleaner, electric or pedal-powered cousins. These noises can cause a range of problems in both humans and wildlife including stress, heart disease, diabetes, as well as sleep loss which in turn causes more problems. Wildlife including birds and insects had higher stress levels and trouble communicating over the noise. Even their offspring struggle more than those developing away from major noise pollution sources.

Causes of Noise Pollution on Roadways

Removed Emissions Controls 

Emissions control features help protect our planet from global warming and climate change.

Air Pollution

Tampering with or removing emissions controls from a vehicle puts everyone in the community in danger from increased pollution levels. This can be particularly dangerous to unborn babies, young children, and anyone with lung conditions such as asthma.

Improper or Removed Mufflers


Quiet Car Bylaws

Plants & Green Spaces

Trees and bushes can help muffle traffic noises, as can smaller plants, but their size or spread can have an impact on their effectiveness.


Hedgerows can help protect people and wildlife from nearby vehicles better than trees alone, as they provide a thick barrier at and a little above ground level. 


Trees can help muffle traffic noises, but they won't necessarily block noise passing by underneath their canopies, directly from vehicles on the road to people who are standing or living at the same level.

Trees can still provide protection from noise pollution to those at higher levels - for example in apartments above a road, when the trees stand between listeners and the roadway.